Meeting Room Booking Displays and Directories

Custom Touchscreen Solutions for Your Meeting Rooms

Meeting room booking displays are a helpful tool in keeping communication simplified for employees, visitors, patients and more. They provide a streamlined approach using digital signage solutions as the base for scheduling any meetings, brainstorms or team conversations.

Here are few benefits of incorporating meeting room booking displays into your comprehensive communication plan:

  1. Meeting Room Efficiency

These applications keep people and meetings organised and also enable them to drastically minimise time spent in finding an open space to meet. Not only can these products help you with scheduling overlaps, they can also enable you to book a meeting last minute if a client pops in unannounced. Instead of having to waste time looking for a space to meet or adding undo last-minute stress, using digital displays can relieve some of the hassle. Meeting room booking displays can also factor in other schedules such as janitorial services, dry cleaning drop off and more.

  1. Easily Changeable

With digital meeting room booking options, you can see where meetings are happening in real time, see the moment it will be open for use and also quickly change a location for colleagues if need be.

  1. Smarter Use of Space

Not making wise use of your space can actually affect your bottom line. Many times, employees can think a room is being occupied if the door is closed even if there’s no meeting happening at that time. They might also forget to delete the reservation of a room although they have officially cancelled a meeting. By using meeting room booking displays, employees can keep the status of a room up-to-date for others to be able to access the room they need, when they need it.

  1. Enhanced Experience

Meetings aren’t always the highlight of everyone’s day. As a result, you can provide a better overall experience by using meeting room booking displays. Create a seamless way to coordinate and book meetings and ensure everyone involved in that process has a more positive experience.

Using meeting room booking displays, you can book easily and directly from the screen, from your phone, from your laptop or any remote device.

Want to incorporate this effective option into your overall communication strategy in your space? Give FASTSIGNS a call today!

Products and services may vary by location. Please reach out to your local FASTSIGNS centre for more information.

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At FASTSIGNS, we are more than just signs. We are a strategic partner that helps to increase our customers’ visibility through a comprehensive, creative, and results-based approach. That’s why we offer a variety of signage options as well as additional services like content development, project management, graphic design, and more.

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